The store manager, Morris Jackson, offered our school a discount on our purchases. This meant that our grant money stretched further than we originally expected. Morris and his staff also gave us much advice and helped us make decisions about what would be appropriate to plant in our garden, and when and how to do it. Most of our garden volunteers and classroom teachers are novice gardeners, so Sloat's help gave a significant boost to the knowledge, skills, and confidence of our team.

I hand-delivered these cards myself, along with a large card made by Ms. Hong's second graders. Morris was very grateful for the drawings and the messages written by all the children. (He particularly appreciated reading that he is "brave, nice and smart!")

I apologize that I didn't write down the names of the students who drew the pictures before delivering the cards, so the pictures aren't credited. Thank you to all of Ms. Jung's students for the lovely cards they made!